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Ramadan: The intention for fasting.

Every Muslim must make an intention before fajr to fast (for an obligatory fast). Intention is not uttered. It is determination in the mind and should NOT be done with audible wordings.
”Al Bukhari 1, Abu Dawood 2454”

Narrated Hafsah, Ummul Mu’minin:
The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam) said He who is not determined to fast before dawn does not fast.
”sahih Sunan Abi Dawud 2454.”

Intention for nafl fasting can be made after Fajr, unlike the obligatory fasting in Ramadan.

It was narrated that ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam) would enter upon me and say: ‘Do you have anything (any food)?’ If we said: ‘No,’ he would say: ‘Then I am fasting.’ So he would continue fasting, then if we were given some food, he would break his fast.” She said: “Sometimes he would fast and (then) breakfast that is, combine fasting and breaking fast in one day).” I said: “How is that?” She said: “Like the one who goes out with charity (something to give out to people), he gives some away and keeps some.”
”Hasan Ibn Majah”

For the Ramadan fast you need to have an intention that you will fast tomorrow(the next day), at times we sleep and wake up and the next day, people will say they have fasted. When it happens like that you can’t say had the intention to continue with Ramadan fast for the prophet said he who does not determine to fast before dawn does not fast, which means you have missed one fast already, you need to make your intentions before and also from the heart. We don’t utter it and if you start with your first fast in Ramadan the intentions keep renewing because the fast is a full month and is compulsory on you, unless you stop fasting due to some reasons. As you continue u need to renew your intention of fasting again and Allah knows best.


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