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“Mahama cares” task force inaugurated.

The government has launched the Ghana Medical Care Trust Fund commonly known as the “Mahama Cares” Operationalization Taskforce.

Mahama Care seeks to provide comprehensive and accessible management solutions for individuals grappling with these persistent health challenges. The program is anchored in the belief that proactive, community-based interventions can significantly improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of life for those affected by chronic conditions.

At its core, Mahama Care is designed to bridge the gap between traditional healthcare services and the unique needs of patients living with chronic diseases. The initiative focuses on three primary objectives: increasing awareness and education about chronic diseases, facilitating timely access to healthcare services, and fostering a supportive environment for patients and their families. By prioritizing these goals, Mahama Care aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and resources they need to manage their conditions effectively.

Conditions such as cancers, diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory diseases have seen a marked increase in prevalence, fueled by factors such as urbanization, lifestyle changes, and dietary habits are most targeted.

The team include

Rev. Pro. Emeritus Seth Ayitey – Chairman
Prof. Emeritus Fred Newton Binka
Prof. Margaret Quaicoo
Dr. Alfred Doku
Dr Randorf Nsor Ambala
Dr Anthony Gingor
Dr. Anthony Sedor
Ama Pel Serebuo
Dr Belinda Afiriyie – Secretary

During the launch, the Minister for Health Kwabena Mintah Akandoh charged the team to work tirelessly to make it a reality.


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